Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Blog!

I have decided to start blogging again. It's been a really long time since I have so I'm pretty excited. As you can see, I've started a new page and everything. This page and these blogs will mostly be focused on God. Recently I made a lot of changes in my life and God is my number 1, my everyday life. So yeah.

As I am sure you've noticed by now, the title of the blog is 'Treasured'. If you have not yet heard the song 'Treasured' by Flyleaf you should go and listen to it immediately. It's amazing. Basically it says that once you give your life to God, you instantly become treasured. God treasures each and everyone of us. He appreciates and loves us and wants us more than anything.

I'm not going to write an actual blog right now because I still have a ton to do tonight. This is just kind of the introduction blog that explains the point of the page, Treasured. So I won't go too far into detail, but treasured just describes how I have felt since I made the decision to truly give my life to God.

I really look forward to writing these blogs. I'm not too sure how often I'll be able to post, but Summer is coming up so that will help out a lot. I would definitely appreciate it if you people would actually READ the blogs and comment with your opinions and personal experiences. That would be just awesome. :) Have a lovely night.


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